Upper Southampton Parks & Recreation
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Total Health Fitness Challenge

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Have you ever contemplated doing something for your health/fitness, but you didn't quite know where to begin?  Have you ever been so overwhelmed by all the information, fad diets, supplements, and exercise trends out there that you end up truly committing to none of them?  Have you ever felt like you've put your health off for so long, that you have dug yourself a hole so big that's it's not even worth trying?  IT IS WORTH IT, I PROMISE YOU.  It doesn't matter where you are in your journey, your knowledge or experience.  We will meet you WHERE YOU ARE.  This challenge begins with coming up with a plan together, that will improve you entire quality of life.  In addition to in person coaching, everyone will get access to health and nutrition resources and support along the way to help them.  Sign up for our 30 day wellness program today!

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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